Get Ready With Richa

Get Ready With Richa

Fashion – a popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behavior. In my case, Fashion is always related to comfort and choosing attire that helps me be myself. But today’s generation is way too forward in style statements and dressing sense . I thought it would be great to introduce you all to my dear friend Richa (Upasana). She is my wife’s best friend and I met her first time at my wedding. She even helped my wife get ready for functions like Haldi and Engagement. I feel mesmerized by seeing her in those dresses.

She has good taste in Fashion, especially in Indian attire (Sarees, Suits). Addon bonus is that she is a content creator who loves to share her ideas, dressing, and makeup tutorials on Instagram. Do follow her profile for fashion advice and tips.

So to know about her journey, I have asked her a few questions. So here’s presenting :

QnA Session With Richa

In today’s era of social media, Genz is pretty comfortable with the Internet world but Millennials like us need to break barriers and fight the inner battles to be able to put ourselves out there. Please tell us about your journey, how it started, and what motivates you to keep going.

My journey started when I was doing my engineering, I started my journey with makeup. I loved it so much that I started watching tutorials and experimenting the basic looks on myself. Back then it was new and very few girls would apply makeup, so people around me except for my few friends would judge me for applying makeup. But makeup and fashion is all about experiment. it gives me confidence keeps me calm and makes me happy so, that is what motivates me to keep going and discovering more.

Indian culture is the core foundation of our personality. We can see through your Instagram post/reels how much you love and embrace Indian attire. Do you think about the impact of your work on young minds it also set an example that one can look equally beautiful in traditional wear as they look in western dresses. Also being honest many of our peers don’t know how to knot a Saree including my wifey, so your reels are really informative as well.

Thank you so much 😌 I love our Indian culture a lot. fashion has always been ones own personal preference . One can look beautiful in any clothing if they carry it with confidence. Saree has existed since more than 5000 years and one can never go wrong with saree. You can drape saree in numerous ways style it in numerous styles, now a days in Instagram I see women and teens are embracing saree and styling it in different styles, so I feel that wearing traditional has definitely made a huge comeback .I believe that through my work I can make my young followers feel that if a saree is draped correctly and carried confidently can make you look and 1000 times more beautiful.

Our attention span is getting reduced day by day. Nowadays it is approx 30 secs. How do you keep your content fresh and relevant? Do you follow other content creators’ work or just go by your own instincts? How many numbers of hours do you put in to create reels and for social media engagement?

Coming to my content , sometimes I follow my instincts I want my content to be doable and simple so that one can learn easily and do it. Be it makeup or draping a saree. Sometimes I take inspiration from other content creators and Bollywood actresses. to be honest I don’t get time for creating content it’s only Saturday and Sundays sometimes on weekdays when I am free . So even if I go wrong or I don’t like the video there’s no time for me to redo it I have to wait for free days or weekends to re shoot it again.

Please share your dreams and aspirations. You have got a really good fashion sense, so are you seeking a professional career in the fashion world or you’re are doing it as a hobby? Whatever it may we truly wish that your dreams will come true.

Thank you for the compliment 😊. I have always loved fashion and beauty, it’s like a stress buster like a therapy for my mind and of now I’m just doing it as a hobby. Maybe sometime in future I’ll try to pursue one diploma course in fashion styling.

I truly believe that in one’s success, family and friends play a critical role. But in today’s internet era things are changing rapidly. Here the parameters of success are different, it is based on the number of views or followers. What are your thoughts on this? Also, have you given any thought to expanding your content to other social media platforms?

Yes definitely the parameters have changed those who are having more followers are gaining more views and are successful definitely these are important but authentic and relevant content is also more important. We are creating content for our followers so whatever our niche might be we should focus that our followers are getting benefitted by it. When someone compliments my looks or my style it makes me feel happy and confident about myself and my content. So at the end of the day that counts as success for me.😊

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